Fire In My Backyard

In August of 2022, my neighborhood was nearly impacted by a large wildfire caused by a car accident on the highway. As many of   us started to panic, and worry about the nearby fire, the Alameda County Fire Department stepped in and saved our community from what could have been a devastating event. As a token of appreciation, I took the initiative to hold a Firemen’s Appreciation Event, and asked for all of my community’s support.

Nearing the end of September, all of the people in the community had all together rose a total of $4,500. I was immensly proud of this achievement, and the community really came together to raise money for the event, and we were able to create the perfect event for this cause. We brought in the nearby middle school band to play, along with the United States Naval Sea Cadets, a program that I have been a part of for about a year now. I would say that it turned out very well, and we were able to bring a ton of people into attendance. Here are some more photos of the occasion:

Not only was the experience a great one, it also taught me a lot about volunteering and the pure excitement that comes out of helping others. Following this project, it inspired me to do more and contribute towards more things in the society. It was quite a unique experience, but I was glad that all the hard work that was put in created a wonderful result in the end for all of us.


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